Norma Penchansky-Glasser


  Watching dance has been a continual inspiration for me in my exploration of the gestural quality of a moment in the movement of the human figure. The subtle variations in position and movement that the figure in dance finds in rehearsal and performance have inspired me to want to freeze a moment, capture the stress, strain, and relaxation. These transitory moments are what I strive to realize in my sculpture and drawings.

I create my drawings with water soluble crayon on watercolor paper. As I dip the crayon in water I can achieve a great deal of spontaneity, allowing me to accomplish my goal of portraying the motion of the figure in a particular gesture. The rough watercolor paper takes the wet crayon, creating an edge and a bleed to the line quality of the drawing.

My sculptures are created by using the lost wax process. The sculptures begin in water based clay, very soft and responsive, go through numerous steps to be finally realized in bronze, a creative process that continues to fascinate me.


Online Store: Norma Penchansky Glasser @