Michelle Hegyi


  "I'm hoping to find those mysteriously poetic spaces that I did not know existed before…and which hopefully affect the viewer each in their own personal way." --- Michelle A. Hegyi

"One has the feeling that Michelle's work is fastidious but free, the outcome of focused visual energy that can cut through diamonds - gently….Michelle's work has been, and continues to be, a counterpoint encompassing huge amounts of experience and intellectual interest boiled down to a ''to and fro', an easy swing through a landscape of thought and feeling."
-- Martha Rock Keller, painter and art critic  •  published July 11, 2008: http://wsgartgallery.blogspot.com/

Digital Paintings Techniques:  Here 


  Michelle A. Hegyi's painterly abstractions of color and light have been described by one reviewer as “landscapes of the soul”.  An award-winning artist who has exhibited in numerous juried and solo shows, she is co-owner of the artist-owned WSG Gallery in Ann Arbor since 2000, a member of the Ann Arbor Women Artists, the International Encaustic Artists, and a founding member of the digital artists’ collective The Art Alchemists of Southeast Michigan.  She has also served on the jury of the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair.  One of her solo shows “Spaces of Encounter”  was selected by dialogue, a midwestern visual arts magazine, as “Best of the Midwest”.  She was recently featured in the book “100 Artists of the Midwest” by Ashley Rooney, and was recently selected to be one of 37 artists in the juried show “The Future of the Past: Encaustic Art in the 21st Century”*. A painter and colorist, Ms. Hegyi uses the computer extensively in her studio, alone and in combination with a variety of other media, currently enjoying the luminous qualities of encaustic.

Michelle’s earlier background in math and computer science has influenced her work in many ways -- in the repetition of form, in the underlying geometric structures which she feels are necessary as a counterpoint to the organic line,…, and most importantly, in her experience, which has enabled her to easily use the computer as a tool for her artwork since the early 70’s, even before the advent of interactive computing.

See work from Michelle A. Hegyi's October 2012 exhibition  Here 

See earlier work from wsg-art archive  Here 

Website:  michellehegyi.com

Online Store: Michelle Hegyi @ WSG-Shop.com