Barbara Brown


  What is the allure, you might wonder, in being a book artist? For me, there is always excitement and magic in alternative book structures. I was hooked years ago after a friend, University of Michigan book conservator, Tom Hogarth, taught me to sew my very first book. This led directly to a life-long exploration of the myriad possibilities to be found in creating these evocative pieces.

  My path as an artist has meandered through fiber arts, papermaking, and a bit of printmaking. Those media eventually pointed me to and became a part of my artist books. Much of my work comes from experimentation and exploration, although I had the invaluable experience of taking three-week workshops, over a period of five years, at the American Academy of Bookbinding in Telluride, Colorado, and studying with renowned design binder, Tini Miura.

  I feel it is my great good fortune to live in Ann Arbor, Michigan, a university town with many inspiring artists, writers, and performers. In beginning a new piece I sometimes collaborate with a writer/poet and build the work around text. At other times I’ve used only images and no text at all. Michigan is a state surrounded by the five Great Lakes and is far enough north to be subject to strong seasonal changes. My work is profoundly affected by the natural elements, particularly water.

  I have been a book artist for around 20 years. I have taught book arts extensively and am an intermittent lecturer at the University of Michigan School of Art & Design, as well as being an enthusiastic faculty member of Hollander’s School of Book and Paper Arts. I am a board member of Kerrytown Bookfest, in which I participated for several years as a workshop presenter. I am also an artist member of WSG Gallery in Ann Arbor, and I exhibit widely. My artist books may be found in the rare book collections of the University of Michigan Harlan Hatcher Library, the State of Michigan Library in Lansing and the Library of the University of Michigan School of Art and Design. Every other year I curate a book show at WSG Gallery titled, ”Beyond Words: A Celebration of Book Arts.”
