Other Artists Exhibiting March 2015

Connie Cronenwett

A Sense of Place
February 17 – March 28, 2015

Opening Reception:
Friday, February 20, 7 – 9 pm



Selected work by other artists
showing in this exhibition

Selected work from WSG gallery artists and the following visiting artists:

Idelle Hammond-Sass, Kristin Hermanson, Marlee Hoffman, Martha Rock Keller, Janet Kelman, Lois Lovejoy, Maria Ruggiero, Deborah Sanborn, and Nora Venturelli

and selected work by Community High art students:

Emma Alson, Ada Banks, Erika Chesky, Mary Alene Einhaus, Zoe Gatto, Caitlin Mahoney, Laura McLaren, Sarah O’Connor, Eleanor Olson, Molly Prochaska, and Alex Spranger


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