Archive November 2015 Lynda Cole

Lynda Cole

October 20 – November 28, 2015

Opening Reception:
Friday, October 23, 7 – 9 pm



Artist Statement :

My future travel will have to have ice in it. Where ice is found I encounter stillness, a beautiful quality of light, large horizons of the sea and sky and the color and purity of the ice. These things contribute to a feeling of tranquility I don’t find in most other places.

On a recent trip to the Arctic during the midnight sun, early one particular morning, I looked out over the Arctic Ocean and felt as if I were Alice falling down the rabbit hole. The sea was entirely still with bits of ice in it. The light quality of the sky was a pale palette, striped and moody. It felt unlike Earth.

The paintings in this exhibition are painted with beeswax, Damar resin and dry colored pigments on various substrates. Many layers of wax are painted on the substrate and heated with a torch to fuse them to layers below. It is an ancient technique which has enjoyed a certain revival during the past 50 years or so.”

— Lynda Cole

Selected work by other artists
showing in this exhibition

Selected work from WSG gallery artists and the following visiting artists:

Martha Ceccio, Terry Abrams, Peter Gooch, Kristin Hermanson, Ruth Crowe, Idelle Hammond-Sass, Marlee Hoffman, Martha Rock Keller, Janet Kelman, Maria Ruggiero, and Nora Venturelli