Archive May 2019 Helen Gotlib

Helen Gotlib

Secret Beaches
April 30 – June 8, 2019

Opening Reception :
Friday, May 3, 7-9 pm

Poetry reading by Gregory Loselle
Animal Fare
Sunday May 5, 2-4 pm



Artist’s Statement :

My primary visual concern has always been to document nature by focusing on its strengths rather than beauty. Simultaneously subtle and overwhelming, it confounds us with its infinite system of outwardly chaotic patterns within patterns and uncannily expressive forms.

Biology produces striking color combinations. Recently I have been moved by the dazzling flowers of ice plants on the rugged shores of the Pacific Northwest. The waxy pink blossoms of these plants are electric against the blanket of succulent dark green leaves spread over ancient rocks and dunes heaving up against the ocean. My large scale mixed media print pieces are an attempt to evoke the intensity of this breathtaking encounter with the seaside.

Patterns of nature yield compelling results when filtered through subjective experience. Concurrent to my expansive beachscapes I have shifted and narrowed my focus to the abstract possibilities of wood grain. By changing the context of the interior of a tree, the connection to the original object nearly disappears, evokes the movement of water and reveals a hidden aquatic landscape. Some beaches are public and some beaches are secret.

— Helen Gotlib



Selected work from our WSG owner/artists, and the following visiting artists:

Steven Athanas, Cathryn Amidei, Idelle Hammond-Sass, Marlee Hoffman, Janie Paul, Maria Ruggiero, Juliet Seignious, Laura Seligman, Martha Rock Keller, and invited guest William Lewis (UM Professor Emeritus) on the occasion of his 101st birthday!