about this exhibition sept-2012


Norma Penchansky-Glasser
September 11 – October 13, 2012
about this exhibition-

Artist’s Statement:

“Watching dance, observing the line, motion and levé of the figure in motion, then freezing a moment is what I strive to capture in my drawings and sculpture.

In this exhibit, four of the drawings were inspired after observing a Barre class at Dance Theater Studio in Ann Arbor, while waiting to go into my tap dancing class. I became fascinated with the power of the levé (lifting) motion of the dancers at the barre coupled with the linear quality the barre created in composition.

The three other drawings were the result of a collaboration with Jessica Fogel for her dance, “Corsets, Grains and Greenways: Dancing Downtown Ann Arbor”, choreographed and presented at the WSG gallery this past June. In these drawings I used the image of corsets to represent the history of the building that houses WSG gallery and the fact that it used to be The Crescent Works, where corsets for women were manufactured.

The drawings were done on printmaker’s paper, using watercolor crayon and washes. My sculpture mirrors and captures the line, motion and levé found in the constant flow of the figure in dance. I used the lost wax process to create the sculptures.

It is my pleasure to present this exhibit and convey the excitement and energy I experience while making these pieces”.

— Norma Penchansky-Glasser


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