About this Exhibition, Community High School Portrait Show, April 2014

The Community High School Portrait Show

featuring artwork by students of Community High’s art teacher Steve Coron
March 25 – May 3, 2014

Opening Reception:
Friday, March 28, 7 – 9 pm



WSG Gallery, in support of the visual arts of the Ann Arbor Public Schools, is pleased to present:

The Community High School Portrait Show

The student artists in this exhibition are working in Visual Arts Instructor Steven Coron’s Advanced Art/Portfolio Development class at Community High School in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

“This class engaged students in classical drawing sessions, thematic projects, and regular critiquing sessions. Students were encouraged to develop their unique ways of making art, and enhance their drawing skills as a basis for the development of a strong portfolio. Many of these students go on to study visual art at the university level or at art schools nationwide..
The portraits in this exhibition range from self-portraits, portraits of other artists and family members, or fictitious representations in the genre. Students were encouraged to try new media, extend their understanding of anatomy, and challenge conventional notions of portraiture.

We hope you enjoy our work and provide feedback to us at: coron at aaps.k12.mi.us.

We sincerely thank the members of the WSG Gallery for their gracious hospitality, and supporting the visual arts in the Ann Arbor Public Schools.”

Steven Coron
Visual Arts Instructor
Community High School

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