About this Exhibition Alvey Jones September 2013


Alvey Jones

Painting, Assemblage and Video

September 10 – October 19, 2013


Opening Reception
Friday, September 13, 7 – 10 pm


Artist’s Statement:

“The paintings, assemblages and video in this exhibit are windows onto a world – my world, where these pieces were created and assembled.

Windows are everywhere. They may be literal, metaphorical or imagined, framed in speech, thought or gesture. They allow us to look in, but also keep us out. The artwork here does both. Welcome to my world.

The video is an eight-month record of the creative process of building the works for this show. Some segments explicitly depict the tasks necessary to produce them. Others evoke the atmosphere in which the creative struggle took place. The art is in deciding which is which.”

— Alvey Jones



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