About this Exhibition Barbara Brown Books+Paper Art


Book + Paper Art
Curated by Barbara Brown
artists: Ruth Bardenstein, Barbara Brown, Alvey Jones, Norma Penchansky-Glasser, Ted Ramsay, Ellie White, Howard White…
June 18 – July 27, 2013


Opening Reception
Friday, June 21, 2013 7 – 10 pm


Curator’s Statement:

“Book + Paper Art is the sixth WSG Gallery show that has been dedicated to the marvelous world of book arts.

Since its inception in 2006 the focus of the show has evolved. The aim has always been to exhibit a wide selection of quality book and paper art. Some pieces found in past shows were traditional and recognizable as books. There will be less of them in this show. Instead you’ll find artists’ books along with great handmade paper pieces and installations.

In previous show statements, I have written that the term ‘artist’s book’ gives rise to much discussion (and irresolution) among book artists. Further, the point has been made that the term should come with a warning label. The instant one uses it, one must then be ready to define it and defend the definition! There will probably never be a definition that everyone agrees on, but I think ‘book inspired art’ might be a good place to begin.

Artists included in this show:
Ruth Bardenstein, Barbara Brown, Norma Penchansky-Glasser, Alvey Jones, Ted Ramsay, Ellie White, and Howard White

Please join us as we explore the often whimsical, sometimes serious world of book and paper arts.”

— Barbara Brown



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