Author Archives: valerie

About valerie

Co-owner of WSG Gallery and Michigan artist.


Adrienne Kaplan as Art

January 2013


The first time I met Adrienne Kaplan, I thought, “My God, this woman looks like her paintings!”

If you don’t know  her, you’ll have to come to her reception to see what I mean (Jan. 18, 7-9pm at WSG Gallery in Ann Arbor, MI).

Let’s start with color – the most ubiquitous thing about Adrienne is she wears colors you might never have imagined putting together, but she wears them with a nonchalant authority that makes you not even question the combinations.


Pursuit of Happiness 1
acrylic on canvas
36 x 48


Texture…she always has some interesting texture on her person – not overt, but complementary – something to catch your eye or fun to touch.


Plated Mackerel
acrylic on canvas
22 x 28″


At the top, like her paint strokes, is her big, loopy, loose, salt & pepper curls – an accent of descriptive lines.


Chaise Lounge 3
acrylic on canvas
15 x 19 “


Then, there are her funky glasses – a color, perhaps, or simple black.  But, decidedly looking more like a fun piece of bakelite jewelry, than a necessary tool to see.


Pursuit of Happiness 3
acrylic on canvas
36 x 48″


And her gestures as she speaks make it easy to imagine her moving through her studio, brushes in hand, creating the visual compositions on canvas that might just as easily be a symphony or a dance composition at the hand of another artist.

Posted by VM, January, 2013