Author Archives: valerie

About valerie

Co-owner of WSG Gallery and Michigan artist.

Book + Paper Arts

Installation view, Book + Paper Arts show

Installation view, Book + Paper Arts show

Book + Paper Arts is our semi-annual show curated by Barbara Brown, our resident book and paper artist.  Barbara is one of the ‘Who’s Who’ of book artists in Michigan, if not the country.  She runs in a crowd of book artists working at the highest levels of artistry, while encouraging and nurturing the next generation of book artists.

The 2016 show at WSG once again re-defines our ideas of ‘book’ and adds the words ‘paper arts’ to encompass innovative ways of using paper, construction techniques and methods for display of the final objects.

Tunnel Book, Barbara Brown and Howard White

Tunnel Book, Barbara Brown and Howard White

Take this Tunnel Book, for example.  Brown has constructed the book structure, a structure that closely resembles a scale model of a stage set, while White has created a looping, verdant video and elaborate projection mechanism, creating a book that is somewhere between bound structure and zen entertainment system.  The video is mesmerizing in both color and content.

Susan Skaarsgard, Alphabet pop-up book

Susan Skaarsgard, Alphabet pop-up book

Skaarsgard’s pop-up book neatly folds into itself – an engineering feat to be admired!  Her other piece in the show, a laser etched plexiglas and paper-bound book is an exquisite structure, as well.

Norma Penchansky Glasser, tunnel book

Norma Penchansky Glasser, tunnel book

Sculptor Norma Penchansky Glasser has several books in the show, too – a few tunnel books, based on geographical places she’s visited, as well as an accordion pocket- book and a flagbook. Pay attention to the rich surfaces she’s created.

Alvey Jones, Encrypted Alphabet

Alvey Jones, Encrypted Alphabet

Alvey Jones has an Alphabet that he has partially made with a laser cutter, etching a deep cut for image and word in the wood.  He has several pieces in the show and brings his typical sense of adventure and playfulness into the work.

Jack Summers, Mapaloopsa

Jack Summers, Mapaloopsa

Jack Summers brings his sense of playfulness in with his book of maps that is unbound, but contained in  common box structure.

Ted Ramsay, Thylacine in the Outback

Ted Ramsay creates pieces using paper casting and paper pulp work.  His background as a painter further help create a narrative in his work, telling a story, but not in words.

Paper + Book Arts is part of our long tradition of pushing the boundaries with pre-conceived ideas of what a ‘book’ is.  In true form, the show asks more questions than it answers.  Visit the gallery and be prepared to re-think your definition of ‘book’.