Author Archives: valerie

About valerie

Co-owner of WSG Gallery and Michigan artist.

WSG’s Annual 16 + 16 Show

The new year is here, which could mean only one thing at WSG….our annual 16 +16 show is here!  For this show, each of the gallery owners  invites another artist to be her/his guest.  It’s a fresh show for a fresh month on the calendar.   The show opens with a reception Friday, January 6 from 7-9pm.  

John Lilley, photography, Connie Cronenwett's guest

John Lilley, photography, Connie Cronenwett’s guest

John Lilley brings us his large photographs.  He focuses on images in nature but abstracts them a bit.  The reeds in the foreground of this snowy scene become lines in a drawing, the snow in the piece becomes texture.

Leslie Sobel, encaustic

Leslie Sobel, encaustic

Leslie Sobel is Adrienne Kaplan’s guest.  Her interpretation of the natural world is more representational, while the layers of encaustic pigment provide the texture in her work.  Up close, areas of the piece become abstracted, but with distance, the layers come together in a recognizable seascape. 

Jan Leonard, photography

Jan Leonard, photography

Nina Hauser, WSG co-owner and photographer invited Jan Leonard as her guest.  Leonard’s large-scale pieces in the show juxtapose historic disaster images – many times paintings – with photo-journalistic pieces about contemporary disasters.  

Nina Hauser, iPhone photography

Nina Hauser, iPhone photography

K.A. Letts, painting

K.A. Letts, painting

Printmaker Takeshi Takahara’s guest is K.A. Letts.  Her large-scale painting (40 x 52″) is made with white and gray gesso. ‘ Adventures of Io’ depicts a Greek scene with the white heifer featuring prominently at the bottom.  Letts’ fine brushwork creates a surface shimmering with textures.

This show has become a favorite for us, bring many different artists together under the roof of our gallery.  With the art of 43 different artists represented (owners, guests and visiting artists), visitors will have plenty of new art to take in for their first show of the new year.