WSG’s Autumn Salon

Entry way of WSG gallery, salon show
What better time is there than fall to celebrate the abundance of creativity we all possess at WSG gallery? We decided to hang our Autumn show salon-style, in the spirit of the original Salon de Paris, where artwork was hung nearly floor to ceiling and without much space between the pieces.
Below you see an image of the show in the process of being hung. You’ll see labels still denoting which pieces are by whom, so the member who makes our labels can decipher where they go.
What happens on drop-off day of a new show is this: we all show up with armloads of new art; we pick up the art from the previous show; we wish Connie and Takeshi good luck as they make sense of a cacophony of colors, textures, subject matters and styles and create a cohesive show that flows to the eye. For a show like this one (and our Holiday Show), it’s all hands on deck. Walls have to be patched and touched up, lettering for the title of the show has to be changed, pedestals have to be added or removed to the basement storage, they also have to be touched up and the art has to be hung. Nora Venturelli helped hang the salon part of the show like a boss!
Collectively, it’s fair to say that those of us who co-own WSG gallery have centuries of experience. No lie! That wealth of knowledge and muscle/hand/eye memory comes together every time to make a fabulous show! This salon features fiber art (from our newest member Cathryn Amadei), painting, drawing, digital paintings, book art forms, sculpture, functional clay work, photography, intaglio and woodcut prints, jewelry and mixed-media work.
Join us to celebrate this cornucopia of artwork Friday, October 18, 7-9pm! Meet the artists and have some refreshments. The show is up through November 23.