Archive Feb 2018 Lynda Cole

Lynda Cole

Recent Places and Themes
February 6 – March 17, 2018

Opening Reception:
Friday, February 9, 2018, 7 – 9 pm



Artist’s Statement :

Months ago, when I began working on paintings for this show, I was exploring the simple way in which two colors would interact. It began with Indigo and Turkey Umber Greenish, two colors similar in hue and value. As time went by my explorations extended to opposites, with Alizarin Crimson and Cobalt Teal (the image on my postcard) being the final effort. I made many color friends on this journey.

At the same time I knew I wanted to say something about a recent trip to Antarctica and the rapid loss of the glaciers. The hanging piece in this show, Future Polar Memories, and the painting, Snow Storm on the Glacier, are meant as my tribute to the beauty of the polar regions on this Earth.

In the end, this is a show about process in the studio and processes on the Earth.

— Lynda Cole



Please welcome our newest WSG Gallery owner/artist Helen Gotlib!
Selected work from our WSG owner/artists, and the following visiting artists:

Cathryn Amidei, Carlye Crisler, Aura Glaser, Janet Kelman, Kristin Hermanson, Marlee Hoffman, Idelle Hammond-Sass, Maria Ruggiero, Martha Rock Keller, Jill Stefani Wagner, Marsha Rae Wright