Archive July 2014 Karin Wagner Coron

Karin Wagner Coron

June 17 – July 26, 2014

Opening Reception:
Friday, June 20, 7 – 9 pm



Artist Statement :

“As a landscape painter I include the sky, skyline, horizon line or that elusive edge where sky meets ground, as an integral component of my compositions. Clouds represents a departure of sorts and a visual shift from conventional notions of landscape painting. I’m seeing only the sky in most pieces, while holding the horizon line at bay, or tease with partial occurrence.

My fascination with cloud forms and movement is the basis for a new understanding of form, pattern, light and the complexities of color. Seeing gray, white, blue and the relationship of hue, value and light. Time of day is crucial to perceiving these intricate transformations. Early morning saturation, midday intensity, dusk brilliance. As I gaze longer, I start to know these various conditions.

“Look up, marvel at the ephemeral beauty and live life with your head in the clouds.”

— Karin Wagner Coron

Selected work by other artists
showing in this exhibition

All gallery member-artists and the following visiting artists:
Elaine Headly, Maria Ruggiero, Sarah Innes, Janet Kelman, Marlee Hoffman, Joanna Tlok, Nora Venturelli, Judith Jacobs, and Martha Rock Keller